Sunday, May 15, 2011

Over the Edge

Just starting out on the 2.0 course.
So far it has been a bit frustrating as the computer at my desk would only allow me to do the evaluation from week one. I then went to the computers at work that should allow acces and week one was not comphrensible.
That's why I've decided to jump in at week two.
You might be wondering why I've used Heidi Muppet as the name for the blog. My cat is called Heidi and if she's getting in trouble or has done something silly we call her a muppet. (It's an English thing)
Not sure where this 2.0 is going to take me.
I hope it will be useful for work as I like what other children's and YA librarians have done with blogs. Just worried that it won't happen due to worries from other areas, not the library.
I always remember what the techie person from CILIP used to say when I was working in the UK. If you aren't allowed to do IT things it's usually not because of you but that the IT area doesn't trust it's on systems!

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